How to Use Sim Racing Telemetry to Improve Your Performance


Sim racing telemetry is a powerful tool that allows drivers to delve deep into their performance data, providing valuable insights to enhance lap times and overall racecraft. In this blog, we'll explore what telemetry data is, how to access it in sim racing games, and most importantly, how to analyze it effectively to fine-tune your skills and dominate the track.

Telemetry data in sim racing refers to the collection of various parameters and measurements recorded during a race or practice session. These data points include speed, throttle input, brake pressure, steering angle, tire temperatures, and more. They form a detailed picture of your driving performance and offer opportunities for improvement. Real life racers highly depend on telemetry data in order to understand were they're losing time. They often compare the telemetry to that of their teammates if available. 

Accessing Telemetry in Sim Racing Games

Most modern sim racing titles provide built-in telemetry tools. They can be accessed through the game's interface or exported to external telemetry analysis software. Familiarize yourself with the telemetry interface of your chosen game and learn how to export the data for more in-depth analysis.

Telemetry Analysis Software

To analyze telemetry data, you'll need dedicated analysis software. Popular options include "Crew Chief," and "MoTeC i2 Pro." These programs allow you to import the exported telemetry data from your sim racing game and display it in a visually informative manner. Crew chief can also be used in-game in order to help you in real time. Your 'crew chief' will tell you when you're locking wheels and where you're losing time. 

Key Telemetry Metrics to Focus On

  • Braking Points and Braking Performance: Examine your braking points to determine if you're consistently hitting the optimal spot for each corner. Check for any instances of harsh braking or locking up.
  • Cornering Speed and Line: Analyze your speed through corners and compare it to faster drivers. Study your racing line to ensure you're taking the most efficient route.
  • Throttle and Steering Input: Observe how you apply throttle and steer through different sections of the track. Smoothness is key to maintaining control and maximizing speed.
  • Tire Temperatures: Keep an eye on tire temperatures to avoid excessive wear and ensure balanced grip levels.

Setting Goals and Making Adjustments

With telemetry data in hand, set specific goals for improvement. Work on one aspect at a time and monitor your progress. Make small adjustments to your driving style or car setup based on the data, and observe the impact on lap times.

Learning from Faster Drivers

Telemetry analysis isn't limited to your own data. You can compare your telemetry with that of faster drivers to uncover areas where you can gain time. Study their braking points, cornering techniques, and throttle application to learn valuable lessons.

Applying What You've Learned

Put your newfound knowledge to the test on the track. Be patient and persistent as changes in driving technique or setup may take time to yield results. Continuously analyze telemetry data to track your progress and identify further areas for refinement.


Sim racing telemetry provides an abundance of data to aid in your quest for speed and precision on the virtual track. By understanding and effectively analyzing this data, you can make informed adjustments to your driving style and car setup, ultimately leading to better lap times and improved performance. Embrace the power of telemetry as you strive to become a formidable force in the sim racing community. Happy racing!